The Great Ilocos Norte Off-Road Adventure

The Legend in Adams

Warning: This post is photo-heavy!

It took me a week to post the awesome trailing adventure with out-and-out adventurers Jeena Llamas, Jason Afable Luengo, Jacq Yu, Jun and Mylene Flores, Isabelle, and Jeena’s twin daughters Isis and Sabrina. If the names ring a bell, it is because Jeena and Jacq were in Amazing Race Asia, and Jeena, Jason and Jun are from the Philippine paragliding team for the SEA Games. There’s a cute story behind Jeena’s finding Adams. I’m really grateful to Gillian Caballero, A-list photographer Melvyn Calderon’s niece, who was in Adams with Melvyn before the new year (BlauEarth story here).

This travel and adventure post is morphing into a motoring post. It will look like a tie-up with Toyota, hell yeah, the FJ Cruiser meets the Land Cruiser Series 75 and the legend extends to the Laoag Sand Dunes, home of the Ilocos sand adventure, with LEAD’s pimped Land Cruisers.

Did you catch Adams on the frontpage story of Yahoo Philippines at the start of the new year? Adams made the top 15 PH destinations to visit in 2015 (story here). I was not surprised, I’ve been blogging about this heaven on earth since day one. LEAD Movement and yours truly are so happy other bloggers have reached as far as the northernmost Cordillera mountains where the once obscure town is quietly resting.

CoconutMallardsMallards at Saud Beach Resort, where we met Jeena and company..Jason at GaoaJason Afable Luengo is the creative soul behind Tribu and Headware.ProduceDriving the legendsPatapat ViaductPatapat ViaductBaset Bridge

Adams. I don’t know what to call a person who will not love this timeless town up North. Isis says Adams is her second most favorite place. And AOTW, Jeena says, they can’t get the whole Ilocos experience out of their hearts and minds, with an exclamation point. (So sweet of you, Jeena.)

Sunny OnesBaset Hanging BridgeThe Baset Bridge, the longest hanging bridge in Ilocos Norte.Flores FamilyMeet Mang Kiko Jun Flores, Singapore’s Top 10 Filipino Entrepreneurs. With wife Mylene and daughter Isabelle.Bulo RiverThe clear jade Bulo River.Jeans and DucksBulo RiverPaul and PaoloPaul Acupan and son Paolo at the Lover’s Peak, a famous spot named by LEAD Movement member Boyet Leano.BartenderAdams is also known to be the producer of premium bugnay wine in these parts. We did wine tasting and also bought indigenous coffee.Adams Wine TastingAdams Wine AgingBugnay wine aging.IyapayaoIyapayao DanceTadekTadek dancing to the beat of the gong. A mini Iyapayao cultural show was performed by the cute teeners from the Adams High School. Adams Tadek DancersTukak, nalengta wenno naprito?Move over chicken joy, 2-way forest frogs for dinner.FJ CruiserIsis and Sabrina and Mylene’s Isa spent the night quietly in Jeena’s FJ Cruiser and tent.Car TentJeena, Jacq and JasonJeena, Jacq and Jason.Adams Main StreetReny TanBaraniw Juice (Lemongrass juice concentrate)Adams’ new product — baraniw (lemongrass) juice concentrate.KalsadaTeresa and Susan Basingan, two of the original mountain guides of the AMO (Adams Mountaineering Org) trained by LEAD-DOT Regional Ofiice and SMOC’s (Sierra Madre Outdoor Club’s) Pio Munoz in 2005. Jacq Yu with BrandonBrandon’s photo op with FHM’s 100 sexiest, Jacq Yu.Timeless AdamsAdams homestayCheck out LEAD Movement’s fave comfy homestay in Adams. It’s named Mama Anna’s.Adams 2015FJCruiserOffRoadLand CruisingLa PazHead lamps on.Head Lamps OnEvening SandboardingJacq YuLa Paz Sand DunesJun and JacqLa Paz Sand DunesJacq Yu at the Laoag Sand Dunes

With fondest thanks to Jeena, Jacq, Jason, Jun, Mylene, Isis, Sab and Isa.

Photographed by Brandon Tan, Paul Acupan and Blauearth.
© Blauearth™ All Rights Reserved 2009-2015

Eugene learns to kitesurf @ Kingfisher


The great seaside getaway in Ilocos I’ve discovered last year got even more lucid, with the family getting to love my description of an unperturbed beachful bliss, blissful beach, both.

Eugene happens to aim high on a board. It’s only at Kingfisher where one can grow the flappers for more salty boarding. The Discovery Course, the first step to flysurfing, makes you get to feel the kite, become one with it. Euge says it was not as easy as he initially thought because the winds were great. He loves the sport and wants to progress to the next stride. Seeing him, as Jana, his wonderful kite instructor, said, “I’m surprised he’s learning fast,” we’re happy exploring with him.


Alexa, on the other hand, was beaming. There’s this side to her that wakes up — by that kind of potency from the sea, sky and sand that brings someone into self-healing. Like my magic bullet.

560JumpBeach BummingAnd goldie romances the camera. Hahah, he moves like a model.Back to BackSide ViewFront ViewBeach StrollPicture 173Picture 283Kingfisher Kitesurfing and Windsurfing CenterJana, Kitesurfing InstructorHammockThat Perfect Beach WeatherMan and DogsThe FatherTablesDevil's DictionaryCurrent read: The Devil’s Dictionary.AlexaThe beach in JanuaryEugeneKingfisher Kitesurfing Discovery CourseKingfisher BeachJana and  EugeneJana is from the Czech Republic. She came back, with John, after visiting in 2009.  And Lisa (below) never left Capirispisan after I last saw her. KitedWarm LightJohnFootball TableRubber PiggyThe rubber piggy to call attention for the steak I’ve been craving for a long time.

Garlic SteakKilawin na TunaAnother beautiful find: kilawin na tuna with a kick of Asian zest.

Black and White
Photographed by the Tans
© Blauearth™ All Rights Reserved 2009-2015

Sports Unlimited Laoag “La Paz” Sand Boarding/Duning BTS

Sports Unlimited BTS 16

Sports icon Dyan Castillejo and prominent TV host Marc Nelson were in Ilocos recently to shoot for Sports Unlimited’s upcoming episodes. At the end of a via ferrata adventure in Narvacan, Ilocos Sur, Sports Unlimited proceeded to the capital of Ilocos Norte, Laoag City, where they were led to the capital of sandboarding in the Philippines for the uniquely Ilocos thrills, with no less than the pioneers of sandboarding in the country, the Laoag Eco-Adventure Development Movement, simply known as LEAD.

Dyan and Marc are not new to La Paz. Sports Unlimited was the first sports and adventure show that featured the iconic Laoag La Paz Sand Dunes more than a decade ago. A couple of LEADers were among a group that hosted Sports Unlimited for that first ever local sand duning adventure on Philippine television, which later evolved to a creative palangana, yes, a batya adventure, if you will recall. And then came the trending sandboarding culture introduced by LEAD Movement.

Very pro to the core, the duo tried every imaginable trick on a board. The younger members of LEAD were so amazed.

Catch Sports Unlimited every Saturday evening on ABC-CBN with replays on the ANC Channel.

Marc NelsonSports Unlimited BTS 14Marc Nelson at the Laoag La Paz Sand DunesSports Unlimited BTS 12Sports Unlimited BTS 10Sports Unlimited BTS 13Sports Unlimited BTS 15Sports Unlimited BTS 9Sports Unlimited BTS 8Sports Unlimited BTS 7Sports Unlimited BTSSports Unlimited BTS 6Sports Unlimited BTS 5Sports Unlimited BTS 4Sports Unlimited BTS 2Sports Unlimited BTS 3LEAD Movement

With special thanks to Sports Unlimited, Dyan and Marc, Gene and the rest of the crew.

Contact LEAD Movement:  Reny Tan 0919-873-5516 /0917-841-5155 or Nicole Arce 0917-523-0331 Like Ilocos Sand Boarding on facebook.

Photographed by Blauearth © Blauearth™ All Rights Reserved 2009-2014