Model Farm: Elmer’s Bottle Tree Ranch

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Somewhere in the dry California desert, a museum worthy of a Mad Max scene attracts only those who can see beyond dust and rust.


A junkyard turned into a bottle tree farm on Route 66 in the San Bernardino County looks like a lifelong project for Elmer Long. A work of art with countless storied bottles and other remnants, reminding visitors of both the past and the future, is the most inspiring sight in this day and age of overstuffing. As a proverb goes, “Good tree makes good fruit.”

Like Elmer, maybe we can start planting good deeds for other generations to enjoy.



Filipino weaves meet autumn leaves

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We’re happy and proud Ilocanas wearing heritage, history, culture and tradition. Thanking modern Filipinas for creating easy to wear traditional abel fabric designs, helping sustain local weaving communities, and widening the love for anything indigenous and local.

I so love my handwoven wrap by news anchor-turned-designer Niña Corpuz. So versatile that it can be layered in a lot of ways. Very functional with a pocket, it’s also a belt bag. For those who’d want to see Niña’s latest creations and pop-up market schedules, @ninainabel is on Instagram.

Ericke’s inabel Dragonfruit top, is by Brae, created by upcoming designer Modesty Eugenio, who is currently preparing for a formal fashion and design training this coming year, I heard. Check out Brae on Instagram here.

Visited the Getty Center with the latest arrival. Welcome to LA, Brandon!!!

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BlauEarth turns 9


Thank you to each and everyone who has been a part of BlauEarth since day one! The blog is exactly 9 years old today!

To all that have read a post or scrolled up or down this maze of slipshod stories reflecting the capricious moods of the author, my heartfelt thanks, and hoping you’ll be around for more of my adventures in Los Angeles, or in Ilocos, or anywhere else in this frigging awesome world.


I still do and enjoy the same things, like in this post, I rode the Metro, went to random places like the Hammer Museum of UCLA, and walked through a block of fresh produce and social enterprise goods (benefiting  the marginalized like former gang members) at the Westwood Village Farmers Market, open only on Thursdays (12-6PM), before hopping the bus, again, to an extremely fashionable neighborhood for the previous post.

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Here, buying my favorite diet food. Beet me up!

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Admission to the Hammer Museum is free. It also has a theater. A lot of private Hollywood events happen there as well.


Van Gogh’s 1889 Hospital at Saint-Rémy  where he voluntarily went in for recurring mental illness.

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Again, it’s been wonderful sharing my discoveries and snippets of my daily life with you.

Tina Tan