Laoag at 50 waste to art exhibit: Art from the heart

Laoag at 50 Zero Waste art exhibit

The Laoag City 50th Charter Day Anniversary was the perfect venue for the just concluded “naglabas, agdama, masakbayan [past, present, future]” eco art exhibition, inspired by “basura ti naglabas, tignay ti agdama, para ti narimat a agsapa”. To borrow the words of Francis Kettering, we should all be concerned about the future because we have to spend the rest of our lives there.

Seasoned Ilocano artists and rising local talents pooled their efforts to draw attention to environment issues such as the global plastics issue, environmental degradation through tree cutting, dynamite fishing, irresponsible consumerism, among others. Guests were appreciative of the art created from everyday waste such as styro containers, packing materials, empty bottles and cans, used motor oil, and space-eating trash such as abused skateboards, scratched vinyl, old toys,  galvanized iron sheets and so on.

Laoag at 50 Zero Waste art exhibit

Garnering good reviews and requests for a rerun, the zero waste art exhibit was a worthy show of local artistry. Juan Elani Tulas’ art installation from styro and 400 pieces of wood scraps, entitled “Poetree”, was inspired by Joyce Kilmer’s “Trese”. Each enigmatic piece can stand on its own. Janer Santos, a tattooist by profession, infused humor into his compositions. “Pagfiesta-an” with recycled junk is rather provocative. UP Fine Arts graduate Margo Rae Alesna had a winner in “The Heart of the Matter” in mixed media on old wood. Young artist Gerome Malbas put to good use his predilection for pop art by turning used spray paint cans as his canvas. His “Mandala” inked skull was unexpected. Khervin John Gallandez put life into rusty galvanized iron scraps. To convey his message of anti-dynamite fishing, MMSU student Marvin Xavier Vea incorporated his intricate doodle art into an installation. Carl Martin Aragones and Dexter Robiñol highlighted the wonders of nature with vibrant colors while Rizaldie Altuna used heritage as the subject of his mixed media work. Reluctant artist Marc Nicolas made his debut via his scotch tape sculpture.

Styro Art - Juan Elani TulasLaoag at 50 Zero Waste art exhibitLaoag Mayor Chevylle Fariñas with LEAD member and City Hall IT department employee Marc Nicolas.

When styro artist Juan Elani Tulas messaged me for a possible collaboration with LEAD Movement, I didn’t think twice even if it meant I had to bypass protocol within the organization (LEAD is a NGO, btw) and work double time, with barely two weeks preparation. By happy chance, Laoag Mayor Chevylle Fariñas was open to community involvement. A proponent for a clean environment, the City of Laoag hopes to sustain its initiatives and efforts in environment management, among them the banning of plastic bags.

Zero Waste art exhibitLaoag at 50 Zero Waste art exhibitThe Heart of the Matter.Laoag at 50 Zero Waste art exhibitLaoag at 50 Zero Waste art exhibitLaoag at 50 Zero Waste art exhibitLaoag at 50 Zero Waste art exhibitLaoag at 50 Zero Waste art exhibitLaoag at 50 Zero Waste art exhibitLaoag at 50 Zero Waste art exhibitLaoag at 50 Zero Waste art exhibitLaoag at 50 Zero Waste art exhibitLaoag at 50 Zero Waste art exhibitLaoag at 50 Zero Waste art exhibitMixed media artist Janer Santos.Laoag at 50 Zero Waste art exhibitLaoag at 50 Zero Waste art exhibitLaoag at 50 Zero Waste art exhibitLaoag at 50 Zero Waste art exhibitfacesRiknakem columnist and blogger Herdy La Yumul.Laoag at 50 Zero Waste art exhibitLaoag at 50 Zero Waste art exhibitLaoag at 50 Zero Waste art exhibitZero Waste art exhibit in LaoagZero Waste art exhibitWith me from left to right are Marvin Xavier Vea, Janer Santos, Juan Elani Tulas and Khervin John Gallandez.

LEAD Movement would like to extend its gratitude to the City Government of Laoag for allowing the use of the city hall auditorium, Mayor Chevylle Fariñas for her invaluble help and for welcoming artistic freedom as a tool for change, the artists, the staff of the GSO and mayor’s office and those who viewed the show and continue to share the advocacy.

Photos of author by Khervin Gallandez and Marvin Xavier Vea
Photographed by BlauEarth © Blauearth™ All Rights Reserved 2009-2015

The LEAD FXD Ilocos Outdoor Adventure Package

off the beaten path

We’re back to sun-kissed days and raw nights at LEAD Movement because we believe nothing feeds the spirit better than expanding your comfort zone to the great outdoors. Inviting you to trail with us through the jagged hills of the northeastern towns in Ilocos Norte. Expect primeval trails and nothing else but nature at most parts. Bring your own gear and ride your own 4WDs. But there will be great food as you wish. That is why we’ve nicknamed the adventure LEAD FXD for food and drive.

We did the adventure ourselves. Check out the photos at Sidaga (Burgos), Tadao (Pasuquin), Solcok, Tamdagan and Vintar Dam (Vintar). The chilly temperature in Sidaga makes it the best spot to spend the night, even in the midst of summer. Solcok Falls is not too far from the route. The boys explored the cave through the mammoth rock with hand-carved steps that are estimated to be more than half a century old.

TrailingMan on the RoadThe LEAD FXD Outdoor AdventureRice FieldsTrafficTamdagan OverpassSidemirrorWoodyMoonshine and RoastingSunrise at SidagaCampsiteRise and ShineWet RideSolcokBarangay Solcok, VintarGreen RockCarved StepsSolcok Falls CavingFringeSolcok FallsElementsSolcok FallsLifeLEAD Movement Exploration - April 26 2015Land TravelVintar MountainsideDirt RoadVividLEAD Movement Decade 2The Vintar Dam and the Bislak River as it is now.
Ilocano LunchVintar DamLEAD Movement

Contact the LEAD Movement for guided outdoor and trailing adventure packages.
Reny Tan 0917 841 5155 / 0919 873 5516
Marc Nicolas 0917 763 5943
Mark Czar Manangan 0917 981 5655

Photos by Blauearth and LEAD Movement
© Blauearth™ All Rights Reserved 2009-2015

Laoag Adventure: Sand Dunes and Isaw

Peace on Earth

To match the thrills at epic Laoag Sand Dunes, we proceeded to Tayamen’s Place for what else but the cult isaw. We also had fishball and kikiam. Trust me.

Sister ActShout LaoagOn Laoag SandsWritten on the sands of Laoag -- Ilocos Sandboarding 2009-2015

Written on the sands of Laoag — Ilocos Sand Boarding by LEAD. We turned 5 last year. Thank you so much for your support.


Tony Daniel, a West Point graduate and a snowboarder says — the sand adventure is one of the best 10 things he’s done in his life.

SamThe ZebraPoot!Laoag Sand Dunes with LEAD MovementGoProLaoag Sand DunesStrollLEAD Sand AdventureTayamen's Place PanoIsawSay Isaw
Photographed by Rommel Felipe and Blauearth. Tayamen’s Place pano, by Samantha Jackson
© Blauearth™ All Rights Reserved 2009-2015