Tea Time Thursday

Pearly Cupcake

The one cupcake has reached epic proportions. It’s a rare moment that the man of the house splurges on a girl thing, and I’m enjoying such aberration.

Oh, the new green tea with guava of Share Tea goes so well with the fresh Cefi and Me blue velvet cupcakes. It’s wonderful to know the cupcakes are consistently good

Tea TimeA Dozen Cupcakesfleur de sel

Word has also reached Los Angeles. Ericke bought these cupcakes for breakfast and posted straight after my initial post on Toni’s.

Soon: Cefi and MeThe tease at Paseo de Paoay. Here‘s where to order if you can’t wait.Blue VelvetBlue Swirls

Bootie Call photo by Ericke
Photographed by Blauearth © Blauearth™ All Rights Reserved 2009-2014

The new cupcakes in town


Just when I thought of giving food blogging a rest, Cefi and Me is hatched. Toni Carag, the young owner of Playa Tropical Resort Hotel in Currimao, gets bitten by the baking bug, or was she born a baker ‘coz her cupcakes have that high tone to it? If you read my recent post on Mallory’s first birthday party, she made the heavenly blue velvet cupcakes. The little cake’s just the right volume, not heavy, and not spongy either, so you never get that tiresome feeling. The cream cheese frosting is another level, says the hubby who is so picky when it comes to cakes. He just made me order a dozen blue velvet cupcakes for Thursday.

Cefi and Me is soon to open at the Paseo de Paoay. Cef is Toni’s angel. And Toni’s dad, Lito, has even joined her in baking — quite a formidable team because I know for a fact that the dad has exacting taste. I had the opportunity to try his banana loaf (in photos below), and it amazes me that you would think he’s been baking forever. In truth, I didn’t know that about Lito that he is so into the kitchen, developing sweet recipes. “It’s just a hobby. Daddy and I love to bake,” Toni says.

Blue Velvet CupcakesBanana LoafBanana Loaf

The banana loaf is more of a cake with moist, marbled texture. It is rich, without getting cloying, and it refrigerates well. If I’m not mistaken, chocolate chips were thrown in for that surprising twist.

Keep posted for the opening of Cefi and Me. In the meantime, Toni accepts orders through her FB account (here).

Banana Loaf
Top photo by Martine
Photographed by Blauearth © Blauearth™ All Rights Reserved 2009-2014