Phone Photos of Silver Lake and Brunch at Millie’s


Yay! I am a new owner of a 4G phone, a gift from my brother and sister-in-law. Getting the hang of mobile photography. Let’s start with my neighborhood. Honestly, walking to Sunset Blvd. was more pleasurable with just a phone and twenty dollars in my pocket.

Beautiful QuoteMillie's Cafe, Sunset Blvd.20160108_12074520160108_11402720160108_12040620160108_114644

Went to this old American breakfast place called Millie’s. An institution in Silver Lake, Millie’s is open only up til 4PM and is always packed, oftentimes with long lines, but I was lucky to get a seat by the bar. Eggs, toasts and pancakes are popular, as well as their Mexican-inspired and vegan options. It was difficult to choose what eggs Benedict to get. Settled with California style, traditional Benedict merged with avocados and crisp smoked applewood bacon, with rosemary potatoes on the side. The hollandaise sauce was flawless. The explosion of flavors sent me to a foodgasm. The serving was hefty, but it was all worth the trip. Staff is wonderful, food is served quickly, and it really feels like a friendly neighborhood eatery.

Photographed by Blauearth © Blauearth™ All Rights Reserved 2009-2016

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