The Minuyungan and Partuat Summer Trade Fair

Longaniza ken Bagnet

There’s a new crop of bazaaristas in Ilocos. Enterprising minds are making a paradigm shift to a culture of originality and character. At the yearly Minuyungan and Partuat Trade Fair, put together by the Department of Trade and Industry, other than the touristy longaniza and bagnet, I happened upon Ilocos-made body and bath products, kankanen and dragon fruit ice candies that I mistook for, heheh, Pinoy pink hotdogs. The designs of bamboo bags from Abra and binakol bags from Sarrat are contemporary.

Minuyngan Ken Partuat Trade FairMinuyngan Ken Partuat Trade FairMinuyngan Ken Partuat Trade Fair

A great alternative to sugar because of its healthy vitamins is natural sorghum sweetener in syrup form.

Minuyngan Ken Partuat Trade FairAgnes Dragon Fruit Soap

Though I went all the way to barangay Pias in Currimao for a feature about her soaps (here), it was the first time meeting Agnes Asuncion. She has lovely skin. If she’s using her products, then her creations are must-trys.

Minuyngan Ken Partuat Trade FairBinakolDragon Fruit Ice CandiesMinuyngan Ken Partuat Trade FairKakaninRouesa's PutoKakaninMinuyngan Ken Partuat Trade FairBamboo BagsMinuyngan Ken Partuat Trade FairPicture 032

The multi-awarded Superkalan invention is fit for biodegradeble corn cobs and coconut husks as fuel.


The sample inabraw gone pinakbet-looking:)

Photographed by Blauearth © Blauearth™ All Rights Reserved 2009-2014

One thought on “The Minuyungan and Partuat Summer Trade Fair

  1. You made me miss home with the inabraw or dinengdeng. I am looking forward to enjoying those fairs, festivals, fiesta in more than year from now. Can’t wait!

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